Patient Feedback Policy
Cottage Country Family Health Team welcomes feedback in the spirit of continuously improving care and access to care. CCFHT has a goal to meet and surpass expectations of all patients/visitors including those with disabilities. The feedback process specifies the actions that CCFHT will take if a patient, visitor, or employee expresses a concern about access to or the quality of CCFHT programs and services.
This policy is publicly available in all CCFHT premises and on the website at www.ccfht.ca
All feedback will be reviewed and forwarded to the Executive Director at CCFHT for follow-up. Feedback may be given in person, by telephone, in writing, in electronic format or through other methods.
If a patient has an issue/concern/complaint, they should try to speak with appropriate members of their healthcare team as soon as reasonably possible. If a patient is unable to resolve the issue/concern/complaint in this way, they should take the following steps:
- Complete a Patient Feedback Form, or speak directly with the Executive Director in person, by phone, send an e-mail to gurbanski@ccfht.ca or use another appropriate communication method. Patient Feedback can be mailed to:
Executive Director
205 Hiram St. Suite 2
Bracebridge, Ontario P1L 2C1- Paper copies of the feedback form are available at each site and available to download, along with a copy of this policy, on the Cottage Country Family Health Team website: www.ccfht.ca
- Once received, the feedback will be reviewed by the Executive Director.
- In order to address concerns, the Executive Director may review the feedback with the appropriate healthcare team member and ask him/her to provide input to a written response. The Executive Director may also arrange to meet with the provider of feedback regarding the concern.
- All feedback will be thoroughly investigated, and a written response sent to the provider of feedback within 30 days of receipt (followed up with a phone call).
- Because all medical information is confidential, consent will be obtained from providers of feedback if patient confidential medical information is required to address the concern. Feedback and feedback responses will not become part of a patient’s electronic medical record.
- The Cottage Country Family Health Team Executive Director will provide a summary report of feedback to the Board. This summary report will not contain patients’ personal information.
When all information is reviewed, Cottage Country Family Health Team may decide to do one of the following:
- Take no further action if the care provided and access to care was appropriate.
- Make appropriate changes in support of improving care and/or access to care.
- Remind, counsel, or provide training for a healthcare team member if the Executive Director believes the team member would benefit from some advice, direction, or training.
- Refer appropriate concerns to CCFHT’s Lead Physician for further review.
- Decide not to investigate because the feedback is made in bad faith or is an abuse of process.
CCFHT’s feedback process can be made available with accessible formats and communications supports, upon request. We will consult with the person making the request to determine the suitability of the format or communication support. We will provide the accessible format in a timely manner and, at no additional cost.
Please also refer to the CCFHT Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) Policy, or the Accessibility statement at www.ccfht.ca for more information.