Programs and Services
Self Referral Programs
Diabetes Prevention: Healthy Active Living Program
The healthy active living program is a series of evidence-based interactive sessions focusing on healthy eating, increased activity and improved general balance.
This program is currently a series of 10 weekly 2-hour classes, followed by monthly maintenance classes. This program is based on the University of Pittsburgh’s Group Lifestyle Balance Program, which was recommended for the Family Health Teams by the Ministry of Health.
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The goals of the program are to help participants improve their lifestyles through healthy eating and increased physical activity. Each individual is supported to help sustain these changes over time to prevent chronic health conditions.
Each participant will make personal choices on how to achieve their goals. Coaches will guide and support the participant in the process of self-management. Flexibility and reinforcement gives the participants the ability to shape and evaluate their own progress through self-monitoring, developing personal goals and action plans, as well as problem solving.
Program available in Bracebridge: 705-646-9063
Lactation Clinic
Appointments with International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLCC) addressing immediate feeding concerns; provision of maternal and infant care. The goal is to increase breastfeeding rates for patients in both the short and long term. 4 appointments available per week.
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Lactation Consultants: Allison Mason, RN, IBCLC, Kristen Bell, RN, IBCLC
Program available at 205 Hiram Street, Main Floor, Bracebridge
Your Primary Care Provider can refer you to this service, or you may book directly by calling 705-645-2223 *3 or emailing
Tobacco Reduction/Smoking Cessation
This program assists participants to quit or reduce tobacco consumption. It provides education, resources and support to help the patient remain tobacco free. Service available by primary care referral or self referral.
Program available in Gravenhurst: 705-687-2271
and Bracebridge: 705-646-9063
Healthcare Provider Referral Programs
This program is for patients with Type II Diabetes, referrals by Healthcare Provider.
Program available in Gravenhurst and Bracebridge.
Dietary & Nutrition Services
Service includes one-on-one therapeutic nutrition counselling. Patients are encouraged to speak to their Primary Care Provider for a referral to the dietitian.
Program available in Gravenhurst, alternate arrangements can be made if transportation is a challenge: 705-687-5438
Healthy Heart Cardiac Rehab Program
There are three ways to engage in cardiac rehab at CCFHT: GROUP PROGRAM (in-person including exercise), EDUCATION ONLY (1:1 in-person or virtual) or HOME-BASED (virtual/phone with unsupervised exercise).
The in-person group Cardiac Rehabilitation is a 16 week group program designed for people who have heart disease, particularly those recovering from a cardiac event.
The initial 8 weeks include education on a variety of topics as well as supervised exercise. Each of these classes runs once a week and is 2 hours in length: 1 hour education, 1 hour for exercise. The second 8 weeks consists of independent exercise with regular contact from the program nurse.
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Each participant will have an individual exercise prescription developed for them and therefore must have a recent stress test.
There is a registration fee (for the in-person group option) of $80.00, which includes print material, education, and exercise sessions. Speak to your healthcare provider for a referral.
Our program follows guidelines from the Canadian Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation and American College of Sports Medicine.
Healthy Seniors
Your Health Care Provider will refer patients to this program if there are concerns about falls or memory, or patients who are 75 years of age or older on 10 or more medications. A medication review by our pharmacist and/or memory test by a nurse will be completed and results and recommendations forwarded to your primary care provider. We recognize that early identification and support will maximize independent function and quality of life for our patients.
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Program facilitated by Joanne Sugden and Cherie Dyer.
For information call: 705-687-2794
Medication Review
Our Family Health Team Pharmacist works closely with your physician, nurse practitioner, and other members of our team to help ensure the most appropriate use of medication for your health care. Our pharmacist works with you and your healthcare provider to resolve or prevent healthcare problems.
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Our family health team pharmacist provides individual Medication Reviews to ensure optimal benefit from the medications you take. In a Medication Review, our pharmacist will:
Review your prescription medications, over-the-counter medications and herbal or natural products
Provide information and counselling about your medications
Identify any possible side effects or drug interactions
Discuss how to properly use your medications
Develop a plan and a medication chart to help you manage your medications more easily
Make recommendations to your healthcare provider if drug related problems are identified
You can be referred to our pharmacist by any of our family health team members.
Program Facilitated by Cherie Dyer
Program available in Gravenhurst and Bracebridge. For information call 705-687-5438 x 134.
Memory Clinic
Your Health Care Provider refers patients with memory concerns to this program for an interdisciplinary team appointment. The patient and caregiver are seen by a nurse, pharmacist, social worker, Alzheimer Society representative and team physician. Diagnosis, treatment plan and support are the goal of this program and all information is sent to your primary care provider.
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Program facilitated by Dr. Dechert, Dr. Hammell, Joanne Sugden, Cherie Dyer, a Home and Community Care Case Manager, and a member of the Muskoka Alzheimer Society.
Program available in Gravenhurst
Muskoka Geriatric Team
Patients who have advanced dementia, along with other geriatric concerns can be referred to the Muskoka Geriatric Team.
MGT is a consultative service comprised of a NP, RN and PT, all with experience in geriatric care. Care of the Elderly Physicians will provide consultation to the team, as well as a Geriatrician and Geriatric Psychiatry as needed.
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The team works in partnership with existing CCFHT programs including the Memory Clinic, Pharmacy services, Post Discharge program, and Active Healthy Aging to best meet patients’ needs. They also work in partnership with SASOT and North Simcoe Muskoka Home and Community Care.
The program is offered at 205 Hiram Street, Suite 2 in Bracebridge, but home visits will be offered as required.
Mental Health Therapy Services
In consultation with your Healthcare Provider, patients who have mild to moderate mental health concerns are referred to therapists for short-term, one-on-one, or couples. Children’s and Adult mental health services available.
See your Primary Care Provider for a referral.
Post-Hospital Discharge Program
Follow up service provided to CCFHT patients recently discharged from local hospital.
Pulmonary Rehab
Pulmonary Rehab is offered by CCFHT in 3 ways: IN-PERSON GROUP (including exercise, meets twice weekly for 8 weeks), 1:1 EDUCATION ONLY (virtual or in-person) or HOME-BASED MODEL (virtual/phone with unsupervised exercise). This program is for individuals who have been diagnosed with COPD. In discussion with your healthcare provider, you may be referred to this program.
There is a registration fee (for the in-person group option) of $20.00, which includes print material, education, and exercise sessions.
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Program available in Gravenhurst and Bracebridge. Speak to your healthcare provider for a referral.
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Self Referral Programs
- Diabetes Prevention: Healthy Active Living Program
- Lactation Clinic
- Tobacco Reduction/Smoking Cessation
Healthcare Provider Referral Programs
- Diabetes
- Dietary & Nutrition Services
- Healthy Heart Cardiac Rehab Program
- Healthy Seniors
- Medication Review
- Memory Clinic
- Muskoka Geriatric Team
- Mental Health Therapy Services
- Post-Hospital Discharge Program
- Pulmonary Rehab